lunes, 26 de junio de 2017

The importance of water

In the Environmental Managment class we have been working on the water cycle and how important it is. So, we were given a task that we have to write a paragraph about the problem about the distribution and the importance of it.

First of all, we all know that water is very important for us and for life to be possible on Earth, as it is  the main source of photosynthesis and water cycle. Moreover it is needed for humans and living things.  However some people don't have acces to clean water, and it is a big problem around the world. Besides the distribution of water leads to problems of water shortage. This is a problem in many parts of the world eventhough there is a lot of fresh water as there is not a good distribution, this may be because water is not evenly distributed around the world, there is a less proportion of fresh and underground water than salty water. Other causes are: rivers are to small, there is a lot of water but on ice caps, so we can not consume it. In addition the population keeps on increasing disproportionately so there is a higher demand from people and industries. Finally the factories and industries continue to contribute to water pollution as a consecuence of city sewage and industrial waste discharge. That is one of the most important ecological problems nowadays, as toxic substances enter the water (lakes, rivers, oceans), they dissolved in and they degrade the water quality, contaminating the water, and damaging water animals. We can distinguish two types of countries, the water rich countries and the water poor countries. The first one are the ones with plentiful fresh water supplies (For example, Brazil, Russia and Canada). On the other hand the water poor ones are the ones that they do not have big water sources, (Saudi Arabia, Oman, Signapure).
To conclude, in my opinion the problem of water is very important and we should all be aware of it. We should help from our own houses, for example, save water when we are having a bath, check if the taps are well closed, don't waste or throw away water. We can all help to save water.

1 comentario:

  1. Very nice job, Juana. Good selection of information and illustrations. I like your final thought and I totally agree with you.
